Saturday, December 24, 2011

Speeding Home

(10/17) I almost forgot to mention that I tore it up at CF Steele Creek (186) in Charlotte, NC before I left.  They were in the  process of moving boxes in the same complex, so it made for an interesting WOD.  8 Rds of 10 KB Snatches, sprint to the other box, 10 Burpee Pull Ups, sprint back  (10:40)
This was a cool box and I'm glad I got to visit. 


(10/19) So I found myself back in the Tidewater area and as always I looked up my BFF, Spiderz, for another WOD.  This time we headed out the newest box, CF Oceana (187), in Virginia Beach, VA.  This place was very raw and still smelled of fresh bumpers.  Many of the clients we still very new and needed a lot of explanations for their WOD of wall balls, double unders and running.  It was nice because I got to help teach double unders to the class.  One woman even started getting them consecutively.  I had a strength day planned, so they were super accommodating with letting me do my own thing.  Spiderz did the WOD with them, while I did a 7x2 ladder of snatches, starting with 95# and ending 1(PR)-1(f) of 200#! I do have to mention that I saw a first here at CFO, two women who were mid WOD, took off outta class to go watch their kids spar at the karate place a few doors down.  They did come back and finish up what they could with the remaining time left.  Afterwards, I met one of the owners who turned out to be an amazing Chiropractor.  Seeing her was so worth the price of admission and my shoulder greatly appreciated it.  There are good folks there and I wish with them all the best in there box. 

Now it’s Thursday (10/20) and tonight is the book release party for Primal Palate’s “Make it Paleo” cookbook.  I’m in Virginia; it’s in Pittsburgh, looks like I need to get my ass in gear!  At 6am we headed for home.  It didn’t take long for us to figure out that we were making great time and could hit up PETN1.66 CF (188) in Warrenton, VA.  These ladies were awesome and they were huge fans of the book.  We got to work with a 4x500m row with 30 sec between  rounds for total time.  Total was 8:35, not shabby but legs were totally gasses for the Tabata B2B that was waiting for us.  I held my own and pulled out a 12.  I hated to WOD and leave but we had to get on our horse and get home.  Thanks ladies for a great WOD and I love your space.  Definitely worth the stop if you’re in the area, Thanks again ladies!

Well we hit the ‘Burgh, got all of our gear stowed and had about 2 hours to space.  The book party was a huge success and is doing well.  I’m glad I made it to the party.  I got to see great people and even hear about the Jill-ness starting her own business.  Till next time friends!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Quick Catch Up, Southern Edition!

I know I've been lacking in my updates, but it's the holidaze and I've been a super slacker on all aspects of life.  Training has been average, diet has sucked, and I've actually gained 20# since summer.  I plan on changing all of this with 2012 though.  So here is a crazy catch up on all things awesome!
(10/14) Another work trip.  Leaving super early with my boy AK for this one.
CF Beckley - Beckley, WV (182); 800m run, 10 squats, 600m run, 10 Box Jumps @ 30", 400m run, 10 squats, 200m, 10 Box Jumps  (10:50)
Interesting due to how the legs felt after those runs.  Done on a treadmill due to the rain.  Globo gym setting but it had it's own room. 

Roanoke Valley CF - Salem, VA (183); One hell of a box. Trainers and crew were awesome! Entire WOD was outside.  5rds of 5 Deadlifts @ 275 & 10 Burpees (3:56) 
One of the best boxes of the summer! 

Crossfit Athletics GSO High Point - Greensboro, NC (184); 4rds of 5 Turkish Get Ups each arm @ 1.5p & 30 hip extension each leg.  (14:50)  Tougher than it looked.  Small class due to designed rest for the gym.  Worked some strict presses as well.  Not bad though, enjoyed the other athletes in class. 

(10/16) CF Charlotte - Charlotte, NC (185): 200m prowler push, 50-40-30-20-10 KB swings and 10-15-20-25-30 GHD Sit Ups alternating between each one.  Back felt like crap so opted to DNF over being hurt.  Hung with Andy, his wife and crew afterwards to set up the next days WOD and BS over experiences and random things.  Great Box and super atmosphere there in Charlotte. 

This trip also had a my first NASCAR event, which was awesome, and hanging out with family watching football.  Kick Ass time was had by all!!!!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Savannah GA, Columbus Day Weekend 11

So about 75 of my closest friends took a train from DC to Savannah.  They gave us the whole car and a party ensued.  A good time was had by all I even slept in the overhead compartment.  We got to Savannah, we couldn't check into our hotel, about 40 of us all ended in the same spot for breakfast, I ate two breakfast's, napped in the hotel lobby, skipped the evening run and went to a new box!

(10/5) I was in aw of the work being done when I walked in the open garage door of CF Hyperformance (180).  Loud music and weights dropping always gets me pumped for a good WOD.  I met the owner, Drew, did my usual pre-ops, and began to stretch.  It was only me to the time being, so I got in a good Oly warm up and got to work on my Split Jerk practice.  5 @ 135#, 4 @ 155, 3 @ 185, 2 @ 205, 1 @ 225, 1 @ 245, & 1 @ 260(PR).  Two other athletes showed up and worked in a little and then we all did the WOD together: 3rds: 6 G2OH @ 165, 18 Ring Dips, & 25 Box Jumps @ 30"
We all finished pretty close together, 10:30 to 11:30 which was pretty solid work.  Great job everyone.

I actually liked this box so much that I came back the next day to a do a Team WOD.  Unfortunately I was the odd man out and had to cut it in half and do it by myself, which was cool by me.  This one rough: 400m 20# Ball Carry, 40 Wall Balls, 200m Bear Crawl, 1 Rope Climb, 25 Wall Ball Sit Ups, 25 Wall Balls, & a 400m Med Ball Toss (17:04).
This was fun, partners had a few more rules but all in all it was a blast and a WOD I needed before this weekend would be over.

(10/7)  I had a crazy Trash trail planned but I figured i could get a WOD in before hand.  I convinced my hung over friends, Princess and Burning, to hit the road with me and head over to CF SAV (181) for a lil fun.  We were a few minutes late so we stretched on our own and tried to follow along as the demo'd the WOD. 
We were given an 11 min ladder of 1 KB Swing, 1 20" Box Jump, & 1 Sit Up.  2-2-2, 3-3-3, etc Burning and I were a little confused thinking it was a "Death By", so we rested for a few seconds and then quickly realized we were wrong!  We quickly caught back up and even overtook most of the class.  I finished mine just into my 13th round.  Burning hit 10 and Princess was just passed 9.  It's always funny for a girl to give a guy a little shit for not keeping it up. 
We didn't have much time to stay and chat like usual but I'm so glad we made it in.  Coach Camilla was totally cool and super welcoming. 
Both of these boxes in Savannah we nothing less than amazing and I'm glad I made them both. 

Well that wraps up my Savannah least the CF portions.  Between the random IAH Trails, awesome friends, and a bit of debauchery a ton of fun was had by all! I even got a new CF NewBoot, Robin B, out of this one.  Till next time!