Tuesday, February 26, 2013

El Paso pt 2 - Push West & RKU

(1/19) After a wonderful night of fun, I headed over to PushCF West (322) for a little fun before the day’s activities commence.   It was an early morning WOD here and there were only two of us in class.  Since we were both experienced, we changed up the WOD on the board and tackled “Jackie” instead.  We both went pretty hard hitting it in 7:28 and just under 8.  Since we had some time left in the hour we decided to tackle one more little challenge: 21-15-9 Front Squats @ 135, Burpees and T2B.  This was a little bit longer but we raced through this one as well finishing both under 11min.  Overall PUSH had hours that could satisfy anyone’s needs.  Thanks for pushing us two, I had fun.
(1/20)  Now this is Sunday, Sunday is a day of rest. Well it is unless you are CF R-K-U (323).  These guys were pretty awesome I must say.  All I had to do was send a text and I felt right at home.  Owner and Head Coach Marco made sure that I was properly taken care of from the minute I walked in.  Isaac was the coach for this Sunday and I was not to be disappointed.  We started off with a series of strict presses in sets of 10-9-7-5-3-1-1-1-1 ending out at 175.  Then we went after a cool WOD of 21-15-9 HSPU, KB swings (2p), and T2B.  Since we ran out of 2poods I scaled up to a 3pood and cut the rep schemes to 12-9-6. This may have seemed like taking it easy but it was rough. 3p is no joke!  Everyone at R-K-U was awesome to me, we even traded some bracelets.  I had a blast here and would totally come back the next time I’m in El Paso.  Thanks you so much Marco, Isaac, and the rest of the R-K-U family.

El Paso is done, time to head home and then a week of play time in NE Ohio!

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