Thursday, January 23, 2014

Solidarity & Countdown

2/24 – So as I made my way home I found a Sunday WOD at Solidarity CF (345) in Charlottesville, VA.  The group was small, 2 regulars and 1 other drop in.  We tackled a fun leg killer in 21-15-9 Cal Row, Thrusters (65#), Med Ball Cleans (20), SDHP (65#), Wall Balls (20) and Burpees!  This lil bad boy took 21:37 to complete and was no where near as easy it looked.  It was really cool to meet Coach Jasonn, Sorry I didn’t get to meet the rest of the crew but I’m sure they are a great addition to C-Ville!  Thanks for the Hospitality and the break in my long drive to Cincinnati. 

After I left the ‘ville, I headed west thru the rest of Virginia and then West Virginia until I found myself in Ashland, KY, the home of Countdown CF (346) Here I met Coach Jerry and Coach Cynthia.  After this drive, I wasn’t looking for what they had in store…..(5) 800m repeats and (5) 100m repeats.  I didn’t need want to do it, but I got thru it and it sucked.  Thanks for a much needed break in this long trip.  I wish I coulda met Ger but I’m sure he’s leading the way to a great life of fitness in Eastern KY. Keep doing great things!


Well I made it home. Let’s see how these next 20+ days are gonna go….

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