Thursday, February 14, 2013

Trip TO Nola - HD & Big Easy

(12/28) Now I’ve been home for all of 12 hours, I’ve hopped on a plane and headed south to New Orleans. Like most things, my plans are always a bit sketchy and made up on the fly.  This flight was no different.  I had an exceptionally long (6hr) layover scheduled in Atlanta and I just happened to have a good friend and CrossFitter, Robin Butler, there and she had the day off.  So she came and filled that layover with a WOD at her home box CrossFit HD (313) in Chamblee, GA.  Once again, I was the only guy for this adventure in CrossFitting.  The trainer for the day was a super cool woman named Krissi, really cool and super friendly.  This was going to be an interesting WOD, it started with 4min of burpee box jumps (40), took 2min of rest, then a 4m AMRAP of 20 walking lunges with 95# and 10 hips to rings (1 full rd) then 2min max regular burpees (29).  I think I hate burpees, but I’m getting better at them.  CFHD was a blast and the ladies didn’t beat me up too bad.  I’m super grateful for their hospitality and I would definitely go back!  Thanks you Robin for filling those six hours, now on to NOLA!
I got to NOLA… luggage didn’t……till 5pm the next day!
Once I realized that I didn’t have clothes, I needed to blow off some steam. So I headed over to Big Easy CF (314) in New Orleans, LA.  I met Zack, owner and head trainer there.  We started with a 3-3-3-3 of push jerks. It was a good release finishing around 215.  As I was cleaning up, I realized what was in store for me, 4 rounds of 400m runs and 25 burpees!  Math says that 1 mile and 100 burpees…que the throwing up in your mouth a lil bit.  It actually wasn’t as bad I thought it was going to be, especially the running portion.  I finished strong with a 17:30. I once again hate burpees!  Big Easy isn’t on a beaten path, but it was exactly what I needed!  Thanks for having me Zack. 

OK, tomorrow I keep my promise from a few months ago, Crescent City CF Team WOD, here I come!

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